Once upon a time there was a little girl who lived
in a regular house in a regular neighborhood with a regular
family. But she dreamed magical thoughts. She longed to throw
parties that would delight and astound.
When she was 12 years old, she gathered all the
kids from her regular neighborhood and brought them to her
magically haunted castle (actually her garage decorated to
resemble a magically haunted castle) and proceeded to scare
the bejesus out of them!
Flushed with success, she went on to entertain
the neighborhood with various other events – carnivals,
puppet shows, picnics, hoe downs….
But alas, as she grew older she had to put away
her magical aspirations and concentrate on more practical
concerns. Like finding a job that paid the rent. But she never
stopped dreaming.
Then one day she met her knight in shining armor.
Together they had four children and when the children were
old enough to have parties, she again pulled out her bag of
magic tricks.
Countless times one or another of her kids would
plead, “Mom, must you dress up like that? Why can’t
we have a normal party like other kids? Why do we have to
have a Monster Cake and Dragon Claws for lunch?” But
she needed an outlet for her magical dreams didn’t she?
Well coincidently, her handsome prince happened
to own a restaurant that served magically delicious food.
So she started experimenting with different theme
nights at the restaurant featuring theme food and décor,
and much to her amazement a waiting list magically appeared
of people wanting to attend.
Ever the dreamer, she decided to offer theme catering
and décor to dreamers just like herself who wanted
something different and amazing but didn’t have the
time to pull it off themselves…and Viola! Magical Theme
Catering & Event Production was born.